The sign at the walkway to the beach said the water temp was a comfortable 54 degrees. Ethan went for total immersion several times. I on the other hand only went chest deep, with Melissa only going toe deep. I saw people out there that had come out of the water and they were red from being in the cold water. It would have to be pretty hot for me to go in all the way into 54 degree water or stay out there longer than 5 minutes. It was in the high 70s low 80s. I'm thinking at least middle to upper 90s.
Acadia park loop road needs more picnic areas. We ended up with a pleasant tailgate lunch at the Blue Hill overlook near the summit of Cadillac Mountain.
Over the last couple of months my camera has become more temperamental. Maybe its the altitude change? It could just be me. Some images I take are terrible from a technical standpoint. Others images have a slide feel to them.Which I prefer.

It could also be a certain time of the day and the conditions might have been just right. As I recall it was just slightly overcast and close to high noon. Either way, the camera gods were smiling on me yesterday. Yesterday was a slide day for some of my images.
Seal Harbor

No photoshop on this one. Straight out of the box. The image above is what I'm talking about. Maybe you think it is boring? It is Beautiful.
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