Why? well, I honestly dont know. It could be interpreted several ways. I like rivers, streams,water falls lakes, ponds, even mud puddles. They just happen to interest me. Then again. I love Lamp. Alert!!After a long hiatus, my blog is back.Random posting,what a novel ideal.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Fall Trip To Acadia

Melissa found these beautiful shells in a small tidal pool. They are in water several inches deep. It was so alive. There was so much going on a micro level. Little invertebrates swimming around in the pool. These blue shells that would rival any fine china.

This is Wonsqueak Harbor. I am not the first and will not be the last to stumble on this jewel. So with the promise of fall images of Acadia which I have. I feel that I have saturated this blog with them so they will go into a folder for now to be brought out on a winter day.
Thursday, October 9, 2008

I am holding a Sekonic L-508 light meter. Tool of the trade you say. Sure, but it is a great gadget. I purchased it used from a photographer in Missoula. It was well used. So much I had to re-label the controls on the front. Some of my cameras do not even have light meters so it is handy to have around. While it won't open a can of soup, It can read the light falling on the can. from across the room if necessary.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Back to the Bog

I would consider this a self portrait. The shadow of my arm and the camera mounted on the tripod. When I am out shooting I always carry it. I don't care how goofy I look. Sure I can shoot without one but that is another story all together.
I certainly would not enjoy traipsing around in this stuff. It is like a floating carpet.

I will soon be adding some more images from the Kenduskeag stream. I have gone down there several times over the last couple of months because it is close. From what I understand it has another name that I only recently learned,"The Barrens" as it is referred to in the Stephen King novel, "IT." I have not yet seen Pennywise the clown down there offering up balloons to me. If I do see him I will ask for a twisty dog or a hat ballon.
Since it is October, I need to go down to Mt. Hope cemetery and get some pics.
As far as the house we are in being haunted. I am skeptical about it. We do hear noises in the night(loud knocking noises around 4:30a.m.). Like this morning I was awakened to hearing a loud thud downstairs. I thought for sure it was Mallory rifling through our trash can located in the kitchen. Mallory who is the eternal alley cat often leaves clues to her trashcan snacking. I went downstairs and did not find anything out of place. Who knows. Spooky!!!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Trip To Baxter State Park

A red leaf. It seems like forever since we have seen one this color.
Most of the road that stretched across the park looked like this. The road wound its way through the woods with sharp turns in some places. We saw only a handful of other cars once we left the populated campground areas.
If your going to have a flat, this is the place.
Melissa and I took the rural route up to Baxter. Stopping here and there when something caught our eye.
Dying ferns.