Thursday, February 11, 2010


I went out today and snapped a few images. With temperatures starting below zero, I headed out this morning to shoot some ice fishing shanties up in Wausau.

It was another hoary (heavy frost) morning. Even though this is a pretty busy county road. I try to stay on the backroads because there is better chance of seeing something that is picture worthy.

This image I had take the day before.  I drive by these horses all the time.  I have never owned horses. I can only imagine that it is a major responsibility to care for them especially on cold morning like this.

Ah! Shantytown. The image looks like something from the movie Grumpy Old Men. Ice fishing is something foreign to me.  At least for now. I went over and found fisherman just starting to begin fishing. He did not have a shanty.

The gentleman's name was Koua. I bent his ear about ice fishing. He gladly told me about how he did it. A lot of it was basic fishing information.  He uses ultra light equipment a depth finder, some luck and patience.

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