Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Winter Sunburst

This morning I went out to Schmeekle Reserve located in Stevens Point to take pictures. There were many cars and trucks in the parking lot at the visitor center. All off the people though were meeting inside the center. So I started down the trail to Lake Joanis. On the short walk I found myself alone with only prints from other people that have made the short hike recently.

Once I arrived at the lake, The sun was very bright and with the help of a filter I made this image. The tracks were fresh since the day before we had received a couple of inches of snow.  To venture out onto the lake is something that sounds absolutely crazy where I grew up.  I did. I have never done such a thing. I know people do it here all the time. On some lakes I have seen ice fishing shanties,cars, and trucks out on much bigger lakes in the area. Foolish some would say. I say, Alive!  Regardless, on this day a new experience.

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