Saturday, March 20, 2010


The snow had been hanging on. It just would not go away. Then we had about two weeks of above normal temps that melted most of it away.

With the nice weather I had the chance to work on was the left over wood from the tree the county cut down last fall. It was just a little more than a cord of wood.

It has been several years since I have had the chance to use a chainsaw. A very useful tool indeed. I cut, moved and stacked the wood to dry so we can burn it next fall.

I had to get the wood off of the ground so it would not rot. So I used some old landscape timbers that had been used for a fence long ago. Now that it is stacked like this air can move freely around the wood allowing it to dry.

It is good to have this project out of the way. Some of the wood will have to be split and that can be done at a later time. 

Yesterday I was driving home from town on a route that I don't take everyday and saw this image. This corn is getting ready to be milled. Nice to be back in farm country.

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