Sunday, July 20, 2008

Love Lasts

Melissa and I ventured out to the Orono Farmer's market yesterday. A handful of vendors with plenty of agricultural goodies. Maine Lobster 6.50 a lb. Fresh pork at one tent. Beef, herbs, bread, and berries at the next. So much to choose from.

Melissa picked out some squash, cucumbers, and lettuce. Then as we strolled over towards a vendor selling tomatoes, I saw them! There! About 100 yards away, close to the river bank just sitting there for all to see.

As Melissa spoke to the vendor about the value of a good red ripe tomato. I was already framing in my head. I didn't want to miss it. I had tried to get a similar image about 4 years ago but I hesitated and the moment passed. Gone until today.

After our purchase, we headed towards the truck. I told Melissa I would be right back that I wanted to get a picture of something. I quickly but quietly started across the parking lot to get behind them. There was a guy sitting in his car near them. I put my finger to my lips motioning to the man not to talk. He nodded in agreement, as I kneeled down. A few quick releases of the shutter and I walked away.

Like I mentioned, I don't see this very often which is sad. This is an older couple sitting together, really sitting together. I bet you could not get a piece of paper between them. They are fortunate and I am lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Not just to steal their moment but to learn from it. Love lasts.

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